Brexit and shipping to EU for repair
Despite all the confusion surrounding the agreements between UK and EU after Brexit, shipping your unit to us from UK for repairing can be hassle-free. You just have to follow these instructions.
So far, we haven’t encountered any issues or delays when shipping following the simple steps described below.
Here is how our UK customers shipped their electronic modules to us for repair and had a hassle free experience with the customs procedures:
- Use the post service (Royal Mail, Post Office, Parcel Force with Royal Mail and use the EMS Service)
- The stated product value should be 8 GBP. We recommend 8 GBP (or 10 EUR) because this will make customs procedures faster. Please fill in and add this invoice on the box. This way it is accessible to the customs employee. We prefilled most of the fields. You only need to fill in your details and contents details (select the right product from the three options we gave in the document and delete the other lines you don’t need to use). Please also send us the invoice so we can have it in case the customs contacts us.
- Fill in the CN22 form that you get from the post office / employee. Keep a copy and email one to us too. You can read about the CN22 document here. Please see below a screenshot of a form we received from one of our UK customers (Figure 1). Please mind two important details in our customer’s form:
- For reason for export, he selected Other: Repair
- Under description of contents, he mentioned again temporary export for repair
We recommend you follow the example in the image below.
- Fill in our company details correctly. Our company name is written below. Mura Car Accessories is only our brand. The customs need to know the official company name below.
- Name: SC Expandconect PC SRL
- Address: 22 Lugoj Street, 012212, city: Bucharest, Romania
- Phone: +4 0756 76 79 64
- If asked, our EORI number is: RO7522273
- Keep a copy of the outbound shipping documents (the filled in CN22 form and the shipping label for the parcel). Show/send them to DHL when they contact you for delivering back the unit to you. Upon delivering back your unit, DHL will inform you of customs fees. If you present them with these documents, you will not have to pay any fees to get your parcel imported back to UK.
If you feel uneasy about the small product value:
- The odds of something happening to the parcel are extremely low.
- In case of high stated product value, there will be a thicker bureaucratic procedure, customs clearance will ncure more delays and there will probably be unforeseen import charges (like VAT of 20% of stated product value).
If you want to get in touch, if you need our help with the procedure, please use the form on our contact page here.
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