Reparatii navigatii CCC pentru BMW

Reparatii navigatii CCC pentru BMW

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Reparatii CCC iDrive
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 33 reviews
by Florin on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Reparatie modul AUDI A4
From: Romania

Sunt cu adevarat cei mai buni si foarte seriosi! Recomand cu toata increderea si celor mai reticenti. Firma serioasa si o buna comunicare. Multumesc Vlad.

by stefan on Reparatii CCC iDrive
From: romania

am trimis navigatia ccc la bucuresti cu urmatoare simptome:se reseta bloca cu logo bmw fara a functiona sunetul... nu mergea idrive...etc. am primit-o ca noua dupa cateva zile.

recomand cu incredere!!! 5 stele

by Richard Arkell on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Five star service
From: France

Serviciu excelent de cinci stele, oameni foarte amabili și adevarati experți în navigatii CCC de BMW și alte electronice auto. Recomand cu incredere !

by Chris Bowen on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Absolutely brilliant service
From: UK

Le-am trimis unitatea CCC de pe e60 535d deoarece se reseta și afișa sigla BMW .. Ca oricine, m-am îngrijorat că o trimit și nu o mai văd niciodată, sincer sa fiu ..

Dar am fost extrem de impresionat ! Serviciu absolut genial.. Vă țin la curent cu dispozitivul dvs. Si când l-au primit și când diagnostichează ce e în neregulă cu el .. Sunt din Irlanda de Nord si CCC-ul meu a ajuns inapoi la mine în decurs de 2 săptămâni și merge ca nou !

by Sam Halstead on Reparatii CCC iDrive
I am very happy with everything!!!
From: United Kingdom

Computerul meu de bord de pe BMW 330ci din 2003 funcționa doar cu butonul de eject apăsat, - ecranul cicla continuu inapoi la imaginea de fundal albastra - așa cum au mai spus alții, am fost un pic ingrijorat când am trimis unitatea în afară țării, dar alte recenzii mi-au dat încrederea să o trimit. De-a lungul întregului timp în care unitatea a fost plecată, Mihaela m-a ținut la curent cu evoluția reparației și am primit-o inapoi dupa aproximativ o săptămână sau cam așa! Și reparația a avut un preț foarte rezonabil!

Inutil să spun că unitatea revenita acum pe mașină funcționează impecabil - și am încrederea unei garanții de 12 luni!

Nu aș ezita să recomand serviciile Mura Car Accessories -

by Cribebu on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Multumesc baieti!!!
From: United Kingdom

Modulul CCC de pe masina mea, BMW E61, murise complet. L-am trimis la MCA și în termen de 4 zile lucrătoare l-am primit înapoi, funcționând perfect și cu un an de garanție! Multumesc baieti!!!

by Kelly Madrigal on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Thank you guys
From: United States

Bună, locuiesc în Lowell Massachusetts (SUA). Am un BMW 530i și navigatia CCC s-a defectat. Am făcut câteva cautari pe net și am gasit MCA. Am observat că unitatea mea CCC avea aceleași simptome descrise de ei și că prețul și garanția lor erau mult mai bune decât aici, în SUA. Am contactat MCA și le-am urmat instructiunile (pentru shipping, ambalare, etc). Le-am trimis unitatea mea CCC și m-au ținut la curent pe parcursul întregului proces. Astăzi, după 6 luni de la raparatia facuta de ei, radioul meu funcționează ca nou. Acești oameni sunt foarte cinstiți, amabili și responsabili ! Recomand „MCA” 100%.

by Patrick Dyson on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Recomand cu incredere !
From: United States

Serviciu excelent, recomand cu incredere ! Eram sceptic cu privire la trimiterea navigatiei CCC in alta tara, dar mă bucur că am făcut-o. Le-am urmat toate instrucțiunile și nu pot fi mai fericit că unitatea este reparata, actualizată la ultima versiune de software și funcționează excelent !

by Roger Hornett on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Va multumesc !
From: UK

Am instalat toate modulele reparate de ei la loc pe masina și totul funcționează ok.

Aș dori să vă mulțumesc pentru asistență și, de asemenea, mulțumesc inginerilor dvs. pentru reparația unitatii CCC pentru BMW și a modulului MULF TCU.

by Renata Sic on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Daca as putea, le-as da 10 stele !
From: Croatia

În Croația nimeni nu repară navigatii CCC pentru BMW. L-am trimis în România, iar în câteva zile este reparat și returnat înapoi !!! Mulțumesc MCA! Și mulțumiri speciale Mihaelei, este minunată, a fost disponibilă 24 de ore pentru orice întrebări!

by Mounir Hani on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Pret imbatabil !
From: France

Preț imbatabil pentru CCC-ul meu. Foarte mulțumit de preț și de serviciul personal foarte profesionist pe care îl recomand. In 2 săptămâni am trimis navigatia din Franta, a fost reparata si am primit-o inapoi perfect functionala. In total m-a costat 250 €, un pret greu de egalat in Franta. Vă mulțumesc !

by Ivan Fortunato on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Treaba excelenta
From: United States

Am fost un pic sceptic la început sa trimit unitatea mea CCC în străinătate. Dar mă bucur că am făcut-o. Au făcut o treabă fantastică și Mihaela a fost grozavă m-a tinut tot timpul la curent.

by Brian Carriou on Reparatii CCC iDrive
MCA sunt cu adevarat profesionisti
From: France

Nu am avut nicio surpriză în ceea ce privește costurile, iar durata reparației a fost mica. CCC-ul meu funcționeaza ca nou. Recomand MCA, sunt cu adevărat profesionisti.

by Ole Lund on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Great price and great delivery time.
From: Denmark

Very responsive on E.mail. Kind and very helpful, and my CCC worked like a charm when i got it back. CCC was even faster on startup now.

I would recommend this company to anyone at any times

Couldn't be happier!

by Raul Dickhouse on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Great service
From: UK

Great service, nice people. Thanks alot.

by Andy on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Very Good
From: United Kingdom

Very good repair, fast customer support. They fixed the restart loop and no sound issue on my ccc bmw e61.

by Ruxi Sacalis on Reparatii CCC iDrive
From: Romania

Perfect service! Great staff too!

by Razvan Goga on Reparatii CCC iDrive
I couldn't be happier with this service !
From: Germany

I was quoted a lot more here in Germany for replacing my broken CCC. I sent my CCC to MCA in Romania and they fixed it for a fraction of the cost. It works perfectly !

by Adrian Millea on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Great work !
From: United Kingdom

I've sent my CCC to them from the UK because here I found nobody that could fix it. Got it back as good as new, great work ! I recommend this company to anyone, no matter where you are ! With the optional expedited repair and expedited return shipping, I got my unit back the next day !

by Daniel Craciun on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Excellent service
From: Romania

Excellent service and great customer support

by Cristian Cristea on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Determinare si punctualitate!
From: Romania

Profesionalism, seriozitate, determinare si punctualitate! Asa as caracteriza echipa Mura. Specialist desavarsiti, doresc sa le multumesc frumos pentru promptitudinea si calitatea de exceptie a serviciilor prestate! Recomand cu incredere!

by Robert Dougan on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Excellent service
From: France

Absolutely excellent service. Fixed and returned my BMW CCC device within a few days. Email support was always fast.

by Joakim Leandersson on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Great service!
From: Sweeden

Great service! Fixed my CCC unit for my BMW E61.

Nice and fast email contact, always answer within a day. Email updates about my units status etc.

Very good price, compared to buying a brand new unit and letting a BMW workshop install it for you!

Easy payment via Paypal also.They where also able to do simple upgrades on the CCC unit, in my case to upgrade my unit to be able to connect AUX Audio. Sending a package from Sweden to Romania took about 4-5 days, but totally worth the wait!

by Stephen Pratt on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Outstanding service
From: Ireland

What can I say. Outstanding service, I can highly recommend MCA enough to all of my fellow BMW drivers.

I had issues with my Becker Professional BM54 Amp as I only had one speaker working in my BMW E46 Vert and this is a known issue with this particular amp. The quality of work done on the amp is excellent. I was initially going to send the amp to the UK to get refurbished until I came across MCA by pure chance and thankfully I did.MCA are cheaper and so much faster, sent my amp to Romania from Ireland, amp refurbished then sent back to Ireland all within 10 days...amazing!Guys, thank you so much and I wish you the very best of success.

by Jack Alastor on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Outstanding !
From: France

"The CCC of my 2005 E91 simply displayed...nothing. And it's fan was running continuously, even with the key removed.

It costed me 130 Euros to get a diagnosis from my BMW dealer: your CCC is dead.

They issued an estimate of 1000 Euros for a Standard Exchange+ Reprog.

After extensive research, and contatcs with UK and German Repair Stations, offering quite long delays and not so precise estimates (be prepared for surprises when we receive your module), between 300 and 400 Euros, I came to MCA.

Outstanding ! Within twelve days, the CCC was fixed, for the lowest cost I have seen.

Email support has been quick and friendly, and PayPal payment flawless.

Thanks to MCA for their professionalism and expertise."

by Plamen Kabakchiev on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Fast and quality service !
From: Bulgaria

Fast and quality service !

by Markus Aktner on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Strongly recommended
From: Finland

I got my E91 -06 CCC fixed by MCA. Very good service and they also kept me well informed during the repair process. Strongly recommended.

by Romain Centazzo on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Very good job!
From: Italy

I have a Digital tuner connected in my BMW M5 E39 since one year now...
I ve completed my installation with a rear camera pluged at the Digital Tuner,
The product is perfect and all the connection are very clean
The installation respect the original spirit of BMW manufacturer
I'm very happy. Very good job!
Thank you

by Juha Snare on Reparatii CCC iDrive
A fast and professional service
From: Finland

Fast and very detailed response for every time, I have asked something about

CCC-repair service.

I really can strongly recommend MCA shop for everyone, who needs help for

BMW CCC-units!

Thanks a lot for a fast and professional service! 😉

by Danny C on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Amazing company
From: USA

Amazing company. I'm located in United States. Mura Car Accessories fixed my BMW E60 CCC unit. I was getting the dreaded BMW logo reboot on my iDrive after every start. My unit would not start successfully. I sent my unit over to Mura Car Accessories via USPS Priority Mail Express International and they repaired it within a few days and sent it back. Full turn around time from Romania back to me in United States was about 26 days (this is with express mail service) due to transit times but everything was well worth the wait. The service was at a great cost and it sure beats purchasing a new unit for more than triple the price! I would recommend this company to anyone who wants to resolve their BMW CCC unit from any sort of failures. Don't hesitate to use them! They are 100% legit and very fast with communication. A++ service!

by Anagno Fessas on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Fast and reliable service
From: Greece

They repaired my faulty CCC drive from my e60 535d 2006, it was showing bmw logo. It's up and running again. Fast and reliable service. Amazing company. Fast and very detailed response for every time.The total cost was less than 250 euros! Highly recommended!

by Alexandra Pourtois-Masoin on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Perfect service
From: France

Perfect service. Very fast shipment back to our place with a device full repaired.

Everything is working perfectly.So much cheaper than expected/told by BMW.

Thank you ! Hignly recommended.

by Ruben Bax on Reparatii CCC iDrive
Highly recommended!
From: the Netherlands

These guys were fast in fixing both my CCC and MULF. And they did some coding on another module that I wasn't able to do myself. Highly recommended!

Closed for Winter Holidays: We will be closed from December 24th to January 5th. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!