
Figure 1 - BMW Drivetrain malfunction error code

BMW Drivetrain malfunction

It is not often when you get a Drivetrain Malfunction error in your vehicle. The BMW Drivetrain malfunction is an error caused due to a potential malfunction of the engine or transmission. To protect the engine, transmission, and driver, the car switches into safety...

Porsche PCM system

Porsche PCM – all there is to know

The Porsche PCM is Porsche’s central control unit for its infotainment system. It is standard in all Porsche vehicles. And is responsible for controlling all infotainment-related applications. Over the last two decades, Porsche’s PCM has gone through several upgrades and multiple changes. Through this article,...

BMW FRM Light Module Repair

BMW FRM module issues

Have you ever faced a situation where your BMW headlights don’t turn on or your turn signal doesn’t turn off? If yes, you most likely have a faulty FRM. In this article, we will learn about the BMW FRM module issues. We will talk...

BMW FRM Footwell module Light Module

How to remove a FRM module from a BMW?

The BMW FRM module is an electrical hub responsible for controlling different exterior/interior light functions, power window drive, exterior mirrors along with the central locking system. When faulty, an FRM module can cause several malfunctions related to these systems. Such as, adaptive headlights not...

UK shipping to EU for repair after Brexit 2021

Brexit and shipping to EU for repair

Business as usual, for Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland enjoys a special arrangement with the European Union and there's nothing special to do if that's where you're from. Continue reading only for other regions in the UK. Despite all the confusion surrounding the agreements between...

BMW CCC iDrive display navigation and controller

What is a BMW CCC unit ?

The BMW CCC unit is a head unit model fitted on BMW cars produced between 2003 and 2010. This Professional Navigation comes with an 8.8" wide-screen display and both the BMW CCC unit and the display are located in the dash board. The BMW...