What causes a dead battery on your BMW ?

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BMW Dead Battery

What causes a dead battery on your BMW ?

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  • Bizmymind Reply

    Please Can you write the same article on Ford?

    June 5, 2020 at 11:55 pm
    • Vlad Bolboceanu Reply

      Thank you for your suggestion ! We have added it to our list of topics to address. Hopefully, we will be in time to help other people who are struggling with the same issues as you. Best of luck with fixing this issue !

      July 5, 2020 at 9:54 am
  • Jamie Reply

    BMW 318i (UK v reg) battery goes flat if left for about 2 weeks….. especially when cold. (The battery is about a year old and using a CTEK charger will recharge in about 24-30 hrs)
    Everywhere recommends a 62ah battery, I think this isn’t good enough, it needs a 70-80 ah as the car is more a two litre than an 1800…
    Would you agree…

    December 29, 2020 at 7:25 pm
    • Mura Car Accessories Reply

      Hi, Jamie. Depending on your car’s production year, you may or may not have an IBS (see explanation of IBS in the article above) on your car.

      If your car has an IBS, if you upgrade your battery you should also do an IBS recalibration (ask a local car shop to do this).

      If there is no IBS, you can upgrade with a more powerful battery.

      However, even a 62ah battery should last longer than the period you said it takes it to discharge, even when not used. You either have a consumer that you did not discover or the battery is too used (its storage capacity decreased too much versus the stated value for a newly manufactured battery).

      December 29, 2020 at 10:34 pm
  • Fernando Reply

    Thanks for the information! I have a x5 2016 I had a battery problem And I changed the two batteries…. I still have the problem….!
    checked the alternator it seems to be OK… any suggestions? Thanks

    March 8, 2021 at 3:15 am
    • Alex Raicu Reply

      Hello Fernando. You will need to check if one of the electronics from your car drains too much power or does not go into sleep mode, or the FSR – final stage resistor (the infamous hedgehog from our article). You can also check the Intelligent Battery Sensor (IBS), also explained in our article.

      March 17, 2021 at 3:33 pm
  • Jamie C Reply

    I own a 2012 BMW X5 Diesel and I absolutely love it. Unfortunately recently I have been having issues where my navigation screen all of the sudden shuts off, which also turns my radio off, and the will reboot itself back on by flashing red on and off, on an off, until eventually coming back on. Unfortunately this is short lived as it’ll do it several times over the course of driving it whatever distance I’m going. We thought it was a battery issue, as at one point the battery light did come on and then one morning the car just wouldn’t start, so we went ahead and purchased a new battery. Everything seemed to be fine the first few days, and then my screen started glitching again, flashing red and turning itself on and off again. We watched a couple of videos and tried holding down the volume button to restart the system. That worked for about a day or two. While this was irritating, it didn’t seem to cause the car to drive any differently though…. until about a month or so after getting a new battery. One morning I went to leave and my car once again just wouldn’t start. I am beyond frustrated and really don’t want to take it into a dealership if there’s any possible way we can fix this issue ourselves. Please advise… any help is much appreciated.

    March 17, 2021 at 12:17 am
    • Alex Raicu Reply

      Hi Jamie. Sorry to hear that you have problems with your iDrive system and car battery. As stated in our article, there can be many reasons for your battery discharge problem. In your case, these problems are caused by the head unit itself (if you have a CCC unit or a M-ASK unit), or from the TCU module (telephone control unit). To test if any of the two head units or the TCU are causing these problems, you will need to disconnect them from the power source, or find the fuse diagram for your car, identify the fuse corresponding to the CCC or M-ASK remove the fuse. The TCU can be found in the trunk of the car, you will need to disconnect the power cables.
      Once you confirm you have a faulty CCC or M-ASK unit, you can use our CCC repair service or M-ASK repair service.

      March 17, 2021 at 4:27 pm
  • David Reply

    Great article but have just joined this club. I have a 2012 F10 525d and the battery is going flat overnight. I just fitted a new 105a BMW battery, registered it and checked voltage at 12.6v. But noticed the voltage is now 12.2v this morning. Any suggestions where to start.

    September 2, 2021 at 9:29 am
  • James Reply


    I’m totally stuck in trying to find the battery drain in my E39 530i. 300mA.

    I’ve pulled the fuses, replaced the fsu, disconnected items around the car but the battery drains in a few days.

    Any suggestions please would be appreciated.

    October 24, 2021 at 4:00 am

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