BMW CCC repair : the correct diagnosis

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BMW CCC repair - correct CCC diagnosis

BMW CCC repair : the correct diagnosis

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  • cruz Reply

    hello there i have a 2009 bmw 328i and my head unit seems to have a delay waking up. in the morning i jump in the car and the door chime doesnt work indicates that my radio and reverse beeper also would be disabled. but after 15-20 mins of driving itll turn back on. is this a sympton of a failing head unit

    May 23, 2019 at 7:40 pm
    • Diyan Reply

      Der Lüfter des CCC idrive-Moduls schaltet sich nicht ein, woran könnte das Problem liegen

      August 19, 2021 at 4:18 pm
  • Iunia Lapadatu Reply

    Hi Cruz,

    Our customer support is also sending you our reply to the email address you provided, but we also wanted to reply here so it may help other readers too.

    The symptom you describe might be an indication of a failing CCC iDrive. It might be the case that your unit is developing the heat dependent behaviour that we mentioned in our article, namely:
    “The CCC head unit might work when the car is cold, but fails to work when the car is warm”
    This fail can act the other way around too. The CCC will not work when the car is cold and recover once everything gets warm/hot.

    But it can also be the case that a Logic 7 sound amplifier or a MULF bluetooth are causing a delay in the functioning of the CCC unit. To rule out this possibility, you just have to go to this website and enter the last 7 characters of your VIN (chassis number). You will get a list of options that were activated on your BMW from factory. If you don’t see any of the following two, then the symptoms are not caused by another unit on the fiber optics.
    644 Preparation f mobile phone w Bluetooth – this is the MULF or MULF 2
    677 HIFI System Professional – the TOP HIFI (also known as Logic 7) sound amplifier
    If you have any of them two modules above (or both), the testing is simple: just pull out the fiber optics connector from the two (which disconnects them from the iDrive system) and see if the symptoms persists.

    This is all the troubleshooting we can do remotely. If it’s a CCC failure, the chances are high the issue will escalate with time. So if it’s not too annoying at the moment, you can wait for it to develop further and then have the CCC unit repaired. If the CCC is faulty, it doesn’t make a difference if you have it fixed now or later, the intervention is the same.

    We hope this helps ! If would be great if you could get report back how this situation unfolded for you. We are sure the community of readers will appreciate the sharing.

    June 21, 2019 at 2:16 pm
  • matti grundsten Reply

    kiitos paljon.olitte todella ammattitaitoisia ja nopeita kun korjasitte ccc yksikköni.aluksi epäilin että miten käy kun lähetän ccc moduulin romaniaan….turha pelko,kiitos kaikki toimii normaalisti

    May 8, 2020 at 8:19 pm
  • Diyan Reply

    the cooling fan of the CCC idrive module does not turn on, what could be the problem

    August 19, 2021 at 4:20 pm
  • Dev Bhamrah Reply

    Hi there, I have BMW 2005 E90 and my car head unit seems to have fault in it, i started my car after 5 weeks and since then its not working, I tried Re-boot my CCC but it only gives me BMW logo back on screen, Nothing else, My Radio, CD and other stuff is disabled.

    Whats the other options i can try to resolve this issue


    December 17, 2022 at 10:09 pm

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